Thursday, January 31, 2008

PARIS (7/09 – 22/10/2007)

Arriving in Paris with a car filled to the max, we settled in our studio at the Cite Internationale des Arts facing the Seine and Notre Dame. Life is hard for artists in France, hey! Well in fact it can be, especially if you are Moroccan.
It is ironic to realise that we were attributed the studio dedicated to welcome Moroccan artists, having just spent a week in Morocco ourselves. However, the French government apparently makes it so difficult for Moroccan artists to obtain a visa to France that Moroccan artists rarely occupy this studio!!!
This year the main reason to be in Paris for Geoff and I was to exhibit our respective body of work. During our last promotional tour in Paris, in 2006, the galerie Marie Laure de l’Ecotais - at the enviable address of 49 rue de Seine (in the heart of Paris gallery district) - offered us both a solo show for the following year, i.e: 2007.
I had sent from Sydney by post all my paintings to be exhibited and so, all I had to do, was mount the show, which started on 21 Sept and finished on 21 October. It was my first exhibition in my France and if all goes well I will exhibit again in this gallery at the beginning of 2010.
Our time in Paris was spent with thousands of Scots, all supporters of their rugby team during the World Cup that was taking place in France then. Their HQ was also in the Marais, right behind the Cite so the atmosphere in the streets was never dull…
Otherwise I did very little tourism exploration as I had to complete 8 large digital paintings for the Hanoi show and they had to be dry prior to packing up to go to Hanoi on 24th October with me. So I was a very dedicated and hard working artist in the studio this year, only visiting two exhibitions: one on the work of famous French illustrator, Gavroche, and the work of a cartoonist very well know for his political drawings in the French satirical news paper “Le Canard Enchaine”.
All in all, these few weeks spent in Paris were very enjoyable because I was busy, i.e: not an idle tourist and because the weather was incredibly warm and sunny, a very unreal weather for that season, allowing us to picnic and sunbake on the Quais de Seine.


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